As another MageTitans ends, I’ve come away super charged as I always do from these events. I always try to make sure that I’m surrounded by intellegent people, and these types of events means that is certainly the case – in the most positive of ways!

For anyone not in the know, MageTitans is an extremely successful Magento conference organised by Manchester Digital & Space48 for the last two years – with additional events around the world.

MageTitans is an event for Magento Developers, curated by Magento developers.

I don’t want to go too in-depth breaking down each talk – as I’m sure others will, and the videos will be available soon, but I did want to highlight some of the key concepts and talking points from the conference presentations.

  • All Magento2 online training resources will be free in the months of December and January
  • In the future, there will be longer pre-notification of patches for both Magento 1 and Magento 2
  • Frontend framework for Magento 2 is moving toward BEM & SASS
  • Use the “best practise” tag on Stack Exchange to find (and explain) best practise for Magento 2
  • Don’t use the Object Manager in Magento 2 directly!
  • Avoid Gold-Plating your new extensions – Support a version of Magento 2, and avoid spending hundreds of hours supporting older versions of Magento 2 – people will upgrade
  • No one actually knows what OOP is – thanks to Vinai for filling us in!
  • Alan Kay got a lot of mentions – the father of OOP
  • We can all learn from functional programming even if we’re not using it
  • Monitor everything you can about your application
  • Agree on metrics with your client, and measure performance
  • Don’t make decisions on (not) caching within your community extension. Allow store owners to take control.
  • There is a great New Relic dashboard for looking at FPC hits/misses –
  • The devdocs now advise against using $isScopePrivate
  • Always think about FPC at the beginning of every project. Could toward it
  • Skip creating sessions for bots, crawlers and anything else that doesn’t need them with
  • Magento will never be cutting-edge on the frontend, but it doesn’t need to be. There is a pay-off for having reliability.
  • Mini cart, basket and dashboard are good core examples for AJAX calls for private data
  • There is still a long way to go before Magento2 can support Subresource Integrity
  • JS has been radically overhauled in Magento 2. Magento 1 had 386 JS files, Magento 2 has over 12k
  • Magento 2.1.3 has optimised rendering flow for tabs – hidden tabs are initialised, but not rendered
  • Always start your AWS EC2 instances in auto scaling groups
  • Get involved with Meet Magento World
  • Don’t forget to rate the speakers –